Winter weather wreaks havoc on the roads, on your car, on your lawn, and especially on your house or any other building you may own. Experienced contractors are aware of what types of damage typically occur due to winter weather and know how to repair said damage. After the winter weather breaks is a good time to have an inspection so any damage can be fixed before it becomes a bigger problem and to assure you can continue to enjoy the daily function of your home and office.
Ice Dams and Water Damage
In northern states and Minnesota, ice dams form and can potentially wreak havoc on a building. Essentially, they cause frozen water to back up and thaw from the rising heat on your roof, but the water isn’t properly displaced according to the building design. Basic Newtonian laws of gravity suggest the water is going inside your building if not properly drained to where you want it to be.
Water damage is what it is and any contractor worth a grain of salt can paint it. More importantly, an experienced contractor knows what caused the water damage and will fix the problem before it becomes an exaggerated issue. Even the best of contractors can’t fix it if you don’t hire them to do their job, which explains why you need a thorough inspection of your home and buildings against the winter weather once springtime arrives.
Wind Damage to Roofing
Pitched roofs and asphalt shingles are susceptible to wind damage throughout the year, as are flat roofs as the case may be. The roof system is designed to handle the force of average winds in your area, but the “give and take” they provide requires maintenance. The freezing temperatures of winter months make shingles and roofing materials brittle and breakable; if not repaired that can leave the roof open to damage when the summer rains come. It’s a simple concept, you need your roof inspected after the harsh winter conditions. Hopefully there won’t be a problem but you’ll be glad you solved it ahead of time when there is.
Be aware of how winter weather affects the buildings you own. They are investments you don’t want to lose over not taking care of them. Have your buildings scheduled for spring inspections each year as part of your routine roof maintenance schedule and the buildings will continue to serve their function well past the lives of your grandchildren.