All American Roofing & Restoration Logo, A Residential Roofing Company, And Commercial Roofer |Brooklyn Park Roofing Contractor | Minneapolis Roofing Contractor

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There are few things that most roofing contractors keep to themselves. The goal of a responsible, ethical enterprise should be to provide their customers with the best service possible by meeting their needs without performing unnecessary work. But not everyone adheres to such lofty ideals. Here are some trade secrets.

There are no bargains

When you’re shopping for a new roof, it’s always a good idea to get quotes from several roofing contractors. If one of the quotes is markedly lower than the rest, be skeptical, and make sure you study the proposal very carefully. Lowball quotes oftentimes start out low, but the contractor will find ways to increase the price as the job goes along. Alternatively, the contractor will skimp on materials and workmanship. Make sure that you’re comfortable with your roofer’s credentials, safety protocols, insurance certificates, and references.

Your Roof Warranty may be void

This is a perennial problem with using fly-by-night companies. If the roof is not installed to the manufacturer’s exact specifications, your warranty will become void. Something as simple as the kind and placement of nails, ventilation, and other details are easily overlooked – or skipped – by a less-than-scrupulous contractor.

Maintenance is the Key

If you maintain your roof well, you’ll save money. Plain and simple. Perform a roof inspection twice a year and check for loose shingles, worn caulking, and other signs of minor wear and tear. If you can nip these issues in the bud, you’ll avoid leaks and your roof will last longer.
As Torch Award Winners with the Minnesota Better Business Bureau for 2013-2014 you can count on All American Restoration to answer all of your questions honest and ethically. We can help you with your project, regardless of size of the project.

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