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You may have heard the term vegetative roofing at least once or twice before and wondered what it was. From the term itself, it is easy enough to deduce that it is a form of roofing that has a vegetative layer on it. Also called a green roof, this kind of a roofing alternative is fast gaining popularity these days due to the many benefits homeowners can get from it.

What’s Green Roofing?

Contrary to popular belief, green roofing, or vegetative roofing, is not a recent discovery. In fact, this particular type of roof has been around for centuries. In Scandinavia, green roofs have been around in the form of sod roofs for hundreds of years and modern variations of this particular roofing option have been used in Germany since the 1960s. It has been estimated that around 10 percent of roofs in Germany are actually vegetative in nature, and the trend is slowly spreading across Europe and into the US.

Green roofing is an option that people are now considering for a number of reasons. For one, it can help reduce insulation costs since these growths on your roof can actually help keep your home cool during the summer and warm during the colder months. These roofs can also help block sound from the outside and helps keep sound from escaping within, making it a good idea for those who don’t want to disturb their neighbors or for those who don’t want their neighbors to disturb their tranquil.

Also worth noting is that green roofing can actually help the environment since these have plants that can absorb carbon dioxide and produces oxygen in return. It also helps lower city temperatures and filters pollutants from rain water, helping with the global warming problem the world has as well as providing it with clean water. This roofing option can also help increase agricultural space and can even serve as a garden for those who want to try and grow fresh produce for themselves and their families.

How to get your own?

If you are considering finding a company that can do roof repairs for you or if you are building a new home and are considering having a green roof added to your plans, you might want to look for a roof installation expert that has such an option in their list of services. You will find that considering having your roof “greened” will benefit not only you and your family, but the environment as well.  You will also be glad to know that some states, like New York, offer tax incentives to those who green their roofs by at least 50%.

Some people may argue that the initial cost of vegetative roofing may set you back more than expected, and they are right. What they did not consider however is that, whatever added cost you have to shell out upon installation can actually save you money in the long run due to the reduction in energy usage and extended life span of your roofing because of the protective vegetation on it.

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